Okay, here is the whole pack: All the problems of the world are yours; you have to solve every problem you encounter; if you don't do it, you are a wimp; if you don't do it by yourself, you are a weak wimp, if you do pull it off, you are a hero, etc. Got it?
Well, we are here to tell you that is is bullcrap! You do not have to do any of this alone, especially your marriage and the issues that arise in it. That's why we have men's teams - or circles of men - that we go to for advice and help. Men need men, we always have. For more than a hundred thousand years, men have counseled other men, advised each other, prepared their brothers for battles or the hunt. We men banded together and always have.

Until recently that is. Somewhere in the last 50 years we got handed this pack of macho lies that went hand in hand with the dissolution of the nuclear family and the lockdown of our neighborhoods. We started living in isolation; we stopped going to those stalwart social service groups like the Eagles or Masons - regardless of what you think of them - that were holders of men's collective wisdom. And along with it we were told we had to do it alone.
Get over it. Get out of your way and stop destroying your marriage by trying to solve everything on your own. Go to your men (or find a nearby group). At the very least you will find out that you are not the only one who has faced the beast you are currently dealing with and at the best you will get some tried and true wisdom of the men there. One caution thogh is that you should never take advice from someone that does not have what you desire. Hey, would you take investment advice from a bum? Then seek out successfully married men. That's what we did in writing the MMSG.
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