Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wisdom of Richard Rohr

I get a daily meditation for Richard Rohr that often rocks me. Here is today's - straight and simple:
"The male psyche is normally fragile and insecure because it is based on overwhelmingly external and transitory criteria, a game which almost all men eventually lose. The poor male has to look good and he has to defend the honor of his bank account, his family, his race, his country, but all in reference to himself! His question is not allowed to be 'Who am I - really?', but only 'How do I look?'"
"That is precisely the opposite path from any authentic spirituality. Thus it was males who alone needed 'initiation' in most indigenous cultures" and, says Rohr, it is the spiritually enlightened men who consciously walk the other way. They don't have to look good.

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