Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Having Your Men

I was reminded tonight why I am on a men's team and why I leave my family to meet in a circle of men on a regular basis. It is not what I got from my men tonight, nor is it really what I gave to any one man. Rather it was the raw honesty and lack of any pretense or posturing.

Men's work is not pretty or neat or orderly. Organizationally speaking (I am an OD consultant by trade) it does not fit in any hierarchy or pattern. Men's work is men being men. Stupid. Smelly. Cussing. Men.

I am a man. Before I am anything else - father, husband, lover, consultant, writer, whatever. What defines my being is my chromosomes, my genetic structure, my endocrine system, my masculinity. And there is only one place where all of that is just allowed to be what it is - with other men.

There are no ahas tonight to share. I am just grateful to be a man among men. It gives me a centeredness to be able to come back to my wife and my son and be the husband and father they need. Yea, that.

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