Friday, March 18, 2011

Prepared for Marriage

Tomorrow my bride and I fly to Costa Rica to attend the wedding of two of our friends. They are both ready. Oh yea, they are in love, but that is not what makes them ready.
Ready for marriage is having your head screwed on straight. For a man it means having learned how to keep your wits and your commitments about you while in the presence of someone so attractive that you might otherwise be tempted to sell your soul to the devil to get. It also means knowing that any time two people get together, there will be (there must be) differences of opinion and of valuation, of timing and energy, of needs and desires - and that you are prepared to do whatever it takes to work through all of those differences yet to be discovered.
I am proud of my friend and will be standing at his side in full support of him and his commitment as they begin the journey. And I am standing there as the guardian of any possibility of a back door.
In marriage there is no back door. You close it, bolt it shut, brick and plaster it over and paint it so that you could never find it if you wanted. Then when there is no escape, you will be forced into the whatever-it-takes that really works things out. Congratulations, M&B, you are powerful, skilled, passionate and smart. With all of that, I know you will beat the ugly statistics that are betting against you.

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