Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ready for Marriage

Yesterday I met with a man about to be married on one of his last days before the event. We talked about how his fiance is so filled with worries - she keeps telling him these things she is worried about: not having things ready for the wedding, her book she is working on, her business, and so on. And he said all he can do is listen.
Good job! I told him - but not just about the listening. What I helped my buddy see is that he had created a safe place for this wonderful woman and powerful entrepreneur to express her worries. He did that - where no one else could. And that is why she is marrying him. Above all else, he makes her feel safe enough to let out her emotions, her pains, her worries - and that is important in a marriage.
Now before I go too far, there are times when my friend should send her to her women friends to get something he cannot provide. Women bond with women when they share their concerns. Only a woman can say to another woman, "I know; I feel that way too." We cannot claim that simply we are not women. We do not know what it is like to be a woman and feel our way through life, just like they cannot know what it is like to be a male and have to "kill" to achieve (no not murder, but competition, like vollyballers do when they spike it over the net for a "kill.")
There will be times my bud will need his men, and times his bride will need her women (hopefully they do that frequently), but for now, in the days of preparation and readiness, this man has done a great job. And I smiled and hugged him and said, "Yea, you're ready! Good job."

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